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Alexa De Sandi

It is
to go


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Hello, I am Alexa.

If you are here it is because you impact my life. You believe in the path I’ve embarked on and what I share. You¡ve traveled with me in prayer to distant places, and discovered along the way how far we have to go to find the purpose and meaning of our lives.




For trusting that our steps take us to unexplored internal lands to enjoy life more; for trusting that my experience, put at the service of yours, has become fertile ground for everyone. I am never alone, I am with you. You are with me.


Today I want to invite you to this new adventure:


Let's write a book about silence and how to get in touch with your inner world in the midst of a busy life.


It's time to go inward - An encounter with the verses of silence.


This adventure consists of writing a book with the verses of silence collected through years of exploration. It combines stories, phrases, photography and music from the most special corners I have visited in the world. The commitment is to join together in creating a new way to connect with our hearts and our inner wisdom.


The 4 steps of this plan are:


Motivation, co-creation, manifestation and transformation:


Step 1: Establishing a motivation. Going to the depths of silence with your help, to collect everything that wants to be captured. This translates to: me going away for 6 weeks on a silent retreat, disconnected from the outside world to cross the portal and explore beyond the routine.


Step 2: Co-create. “He who waits, despairs” so I will not leave you here with nothing. Let's explore together. While I am in retreat, you can join me from home, with content that I will leave prepared for you to start exploring the first glimpses of what a silent retreat would be. You will receive surprise emails with meditations, suggestions, practices and stories of my previous encounters with silence, to discover it yourself. Not everyone can step away from their lives for weeks, I know. I'm here to become that bridge between what's possible and what works for you in the midst of a busy life. 


Step 3: Manifest. Upon returning from silence, the intention is to design, compose and materialize this book and enjoy it as soon as possible. So i'll start the process of publishing this book. The first editions will be destined to all of you who have financially contributed to the creation of this adventure.


Step 4: Transform. I firmly believe that the world we experience is the result of the goodness we share, and although we sometimes get confused, the reality is that we are never helping anyone; those people who seem to need us are the greatest example of kindness. As they are special beings who help us transform what we see. Who we are. So the fourth step of this plan is to celebrate and share in order to transform. Once everyone receives their edition of the book we created together, it will go on sale. And from each book sold, a percentage will be used to support shelters that are responsible for taking care of orphaned boys and girls. With that, we will plant the true cause so that no person in the world feels alone and unloved ever again. My wish is to create a world where everyone feels loved, accompanied and cared for, always.


As you will see, this adventure is not mine, it is everyone's. I know that a better world is possible. My dream is  to witness how we change the world, starting with our own.


Participate and let's create this book together, for you, for me, for everyone.


Will you do this with me?




Do you want more juicy stuff? Here goes the story behind everything…


“It's time to go inward” was the title of the first talk I gave to 80 young people at a spiritual retreat, when I was 19 years old. Back when I didn't even know what I was doing, and I only shared my life with the intention of healing together. I never imagined the impact it would have on my life path. And since I can remember, that has always been the search: to find my home, where I belong, and the love that does not leave...


11 years later, here I am making the decision to “start going inward” to the beginning of it all: to find that internal silence and discover that map for true happiness. I realized that my role in this life is to serve, share and witness the power of “we.” It was never about improving, but about awakening. Awakening to a new reality.


I have collected countless experiences, retreats, trips, and conversations with one key characteristic that has transformed my life the more I explore it:




From traveling Galician roads in Spain, to the frozen whispers of the winds of the Himalayas. Only in silence have I discovered what it means to go inward. Take off every mask and be true, real, raw love.. And from that act of realizing it, I decide to share it now in the form of verses. With the hope that by reading them, in your own silence you will discover the message your internal world has for you.


​Are you as excited as I am?






Let me be frank, 


I do not intend to fill you with theories, nor with an infallible method so that you can finally be happy. I just want to invite you to connect with the creative part that lives within us. That wisdom that our mind often does not understand but to which the body always responds. I don't want to teach you, I want to invite us to discover together the experience of living connected. 


Look, I know that everything I can tell you right now is just one of the many tools you will turn to in times of need. So as one of my favorite people says: “instead of making this something useful, I invite you to make it the beginning of discovering together that map that shows us the disconnection that hides behind our good intentions, and leads us to a place of perfect peace situated nowhere, just behind ignorance.”


So this adventure is born from the understanding of past experiences with silence and the discovery that my life is valuable, because yours is too. There is no “me” without a “you”. In the end we are the same spirit inhabiting separate costumes to make things more fun :)


And if you've already made it this far, you're a gossipy, but kind person, Huh?


No but seriously, if you got this far is because we surely share values and a deeper motivation to experience a connected and loving life. Thank you for being you, because you allow me to be truly me.


See you in silence.










P.S. Here are a few more things for you to discover.


Wanna know more about Alexa? Click here

Feeling inspired and wanna go inward? Click here

2021, Memorial to fallen people
at the foot of Mount Everest. 

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